Monday, January 09, 2006

Don't be Square

the Nintendo Gamecube has been a great little system.

although most of the hours logged with it have been many years ago, I remember the fun I had playing all night long with my brother and friends.

Good times.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Captain Picard

How can I forget my teenage dose of TV sci-fi.

Star Trek: The Next Generation was what I watched almost everytime it was on although it bored the heck out of my brother and sisters.

Beam me up.

Three Course Meal

the awesome In-N-Out three course meal.

appetizer: Fries
main course: Hamburger w/ grilled onions
dessert: Vanilla Shake

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Same Old Me

when in doubt draw something you see everyday, i always say.

so this is me in my green sweater.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Growing up

Here is Jacq. Age 0, 2, and 15.

He will be the main character for the comic book I am working on.



I will be posting my drawings here. It is a new start for me, I haven't drawn in a very long time, maybe over a year.

Let me explain. I have drawn things; maybe homework or class assignments or something for work (inventory). But something for myself... nope I can't remember when.

I have always felt I had potential. I have had dreams of working on my art. I just never really worked out a plan. Someone once said:

A plan is just a dream with a deadline.

Well, I am putting together a plan:
1. Post a drawing up here once a day.

2. Work on my comic book (36 pages by 12/31/06).

So please come, relax, and enjoy. I hope to delight you.